Ever heard of double air beds before?
What is an air bed anyway…
Do you float on air?
That would be nice but the best thing we can do is the air bed mattress.
Let’s have a look.
The average human spends approximately 25 years of their life sleeping.
You can pick yourself up off the floor now…
That’s 9,125 days spent lying on their mattress!
Bed sheet material types…
What’s it all about, and why are people obsessing about them?
I am sure there are no sleepless nights going on here, but the choice is enormous people just can’t take it!
Roman Emperor
You can picture the emperors of their day laying around and having grapes fed to them.
You can picture the emperors of their day laying around and having grapes fed to them.
When I talk about a natural latex mattress topper I’m talking about the lack of use of chemicals when something is made – which is a good thing when it comes to the environment.
Organic Bedding
Now there are some people out there who might be a little confused when they hear Organic Bedding.
You say ‘what’s that?’. You hear the word now and then.
When you fall into bed with that anticipated bliss to relax and chill out, waiting for a good night’s sleep.
Only to be plagued by a pain in your shoulders?
Not nice is it…
The Best Non-Toxic Mattress And Why
What is it about these mattresses that make us question our choices in buying a mattress that will benefit us as we sleep all those hours in our lives