Tired And Trying To Fall Asleep To No End?

Tired And Trying To Fall Asleep To No End?

Dec 02, 2023

You are tired…

And no matter how you try to fall asleep to rest.

You just lay there! Not funny is it?

So why can’t you sleep?

Let’s look into this further.

Can’t Fall Asleep To Just Rest

Are You Worried About Sleepless Nights?

And there would be just-cause to worry, so let’s get to it here and find out more about why this is.

Here Are A Number Of Insomnia Facts

Insomnia or insomnolence as it is better known is a badly understood affliction.

In fact, you will find that insomnia is both a cause and an effect on its own – and hence, finding the root problem is difficult.

There are so many insomnia facts to be had in different books; the insomnia facts collected in this document are meant to tutor the viewer on the outlines of this predicament.

Insomnia Facts

Trying to fall asleep to poor sleep patterns advice?
Or sleeplessness information that is just too complicated to really understand?

Insomnia or insomnolence as it is better known is a badly understood affliction.

In fact, you will find that insomnia is both a cause and an effect on its own – and hence, finding the root problem is difficult.

There are so many insomnia facts to be had in different books; the insomnia facts collected in this document are meant to tutor the viewer, you…

On the outlines of this predicament.

The Insomnia Facts To Know

Insomnia or lack of sleep can be of two types, i.e.

  • (i) transient
  • (ii) intermittent

The former is when one experiences tossing and turning for a period of a maximum of 2-3 weeks.

Intermittent Insomnia

While intermittent insomnia is when this gets repeated once in a while.

This will mostly be a possible cause of an underlying condition, such as anxiety, depression, drug abuse, etc.

Chronic Insomnia

Then there is chronic insomnia – this is when tossing and turning will last for more than 30 consecutive days and your body feels and reacts to the shortfall of sleep.

Women over 60 years are more prone to suffer from insomnia than any other category of people.

This will be further aggravated if the person was previously suffering from severe anxiety.
In a number of cases, insomnia can be induced by medication.

The diseases that usually result in insomnia (depending on the health background of the person) are asthma, kidney conditions, narcolepsy, Parkinson’ s disease, heart troubles, hypertension, hyper-thyroid, and arthritis among others.

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If you suffer from one or more of the above, then insomnia may become part and parcel of your life, unfortunately…

You are said to suffer from insomnia even if you are woken up often during the night; this is because unless you have at least 2-3 hours of uninterrupted sleep the body can really be troubled by the lack of sleep.

Some Insomnia Facts That Will Help You

If you are at a loss for what to do when you undergo these insomnia attacks.

In fact, try using the following insomnia facts as home remedial measures till you get to a doctor, nurse or pharmacist for a proper diagnosis and first aid is good to try.

And these are:

When you have a bout of insomnia try not to be worried about it Ok…

You need to be prepared to try to take it easy, so…

You should attempt any such issue that is pleasing to you as well as relaxes you.

For example, a good movie on TV (should not be an action movie, or ghost/ horror movie, etc – it should not be anything that brings on any excitement).

How about a book to read, or a hot bubble bath, and so on…

There are also several foods and drinks that will help you get your sleep back as well.
How about a hot cup of milk, or chamomile tea?

Even green tea.

Or a glass of wine (but not large amounts of alcohol) at room temperature, and so on would be not bad in returning you to sleep.

Above all do things that help you to relax.

Self-hypnosis tapes and CDs usually include an initial section on relaxation and may prove beneficial as well.

All too often it is stress and worries that can keep you up.

As your mind is turning over all of these and is not helped by all the extra worries that we carry in these modern times.

So your lack of sleep might just be temporary and if you worry about your sleep as well.

How can you fall asleep to rest if you are piling on more worries than you need