7 Proven Tips To Enjoy A Peaceful Slumber

7 Proven Tips To Enjoy A Peaceful Slumber

Dec 01, 2023

As we get older, getting a good night’s sleep becomes more and more difficult.

Yes, in fact peaceful slumber is not as easy as counting sheep to enter dreamland, doesn’t seem to work that well for everyone anymore.

Although there are several tips available to combat insomnia, such as getting plenty of exercise and just falling into bed exhausted, keeping the bedroom cool.

Drinking a warm glass of milk even, and so on; these tips don’t really work for some people at all.

That’s why we have gathered a ‘new generation’ of sleep hacks looking for the next best ting to get to sleep.

Here are some unconventional ways that will help you feel sleepy in no time.

Before you know it, you’re already sleeping like a log.

1. Stay Put And Don’t Move For A Peaceful Slumber


If we’re going to rely on conventional wisdom, it has been mentioned that if you find it difficult to sleep, then you should just get out of bed and do something else.


If you’re going to ask me, I do believe that it can be better for you if you’ll just keep lying in bed between the sheets and practice deep breathing for a while and see how that goes.

Yes, deep breathing…

You can also try visualisation exercises until you feel sleepy.

2. Munch On Something

A lot would raise their eyebrows upon reading this – well, you better not.

Research has shown that eating a small portion of food that contains carbohydrates combined with calcium or pro tine, can help you enjoy a good night’s sleep.

These food combos improve the production of serotonin– a brain chemical that’s responsible for calming us down.


The perfect time to eat these foods would be an hour before retiring to bed.

3. Trust Your Smell

There are some scents that could help you fall asleep.

Getting a peaceful slumber can include ylang ylang and chamomile.

Try to mix a few drops of these essential oils with water in a spray bottle, and spray it on your pillow, or an oil diffuser.

So while you lay in bed putting these essential oils on your pillow will let you breathe in these scents naturally while you rest.

4. Shock And Horror! Drink Coffee

Most would say that caffeine is the number one enemy of those who are trying to sleep right?

Well, I tend to disagree…

And there’s a UK study to support that.

Studies show that those who drink 1-2 cups of coffee usually feel sleepy after finishing the last drop, and when they wake up, they can feel more energised and awake.

See also Casper Mattress Vs Tuft and Needle

Why not try this to see how it works with you, you never know, defying what has been said for a while in the past is not always a bad thing.

Studies are always being done, you are told this, and then they say that no we were wrong it is ok again.

I have seen this again and again when it comes to the exercise of different foods.
So do give this one a go.

5. Think Colours

If are not aware, the colour of your bedroom walls could actually help in turning your sanctuary into a sleep haven.

I studied Interior Decorating a while ago, and I know first-hand just how colours can change our moods.

There are some colours that could inspire you to stay active, while there are some that promote drowsiness.

For example, white is one of the colours to avoid because it curbs melatonin.
A hormone that balances the sleep-wake cycle.

Choose colours, such as brown and navy blue are some of the colours that promote better sleep.

Bright colours are not good for a peaceful slumber and also not good when it comes to soothing you either.

6. Say No To Milk, Yes To Cherry Juice

Considering the fact that cherry juice is rich in melatonin, it could actually help you feel a little more sleepy.

That said, the next time you visit the grocery store, instead of grabbing a carton of milk, opt for a bottle of cherry juice instead.

Let’s face it!

Cherry juice?

I don’t need any encouragement to buy that, YUM!

7. Mind Games

When it comes to peaceful slumber, never underestimate the power of your mind and imagination – these two can help you fall asleep.

Try to imagine that the day is over, you’re tired, and nothing is better than lying in bed.

A comfy bed might be just what you need to feel sleepy.

Think of peaceful things, like the lapping of water or rain pelting on your window sill.
Do you get the idea?

Things that calm you and repetitive things are also calming such as the lapping of water for instance.

Keeps your mind on one thing, and trying not to drift off to different things that come to thought will help.