About Us

About Us

Jan 19, 2024

Hello there...

Glad to see you here.

So let me tell you a little bit about myself and why I created this web site.

Site designer, proofreader, writer, editor, publisher, graphics and animation artist, yes I am actually a fully qualified Commercial Artist by the way

Site reviewer, ‘feature sites’ judge and jury, traffic analyst, marketing specialist; chief cook, bottle washer, and keyboard duster.

I welcome you to my corner of the World Wide Web!

And oh, did I mention ‘site project facilitator as well?

Does that sound exhausting?

Well try doing all of it.

You would think that living in sunny Old Queensland that you don’t need a fire? Well, you would be wright there.

We do, in fact it get darn right cold in the winter nights…


I studied as an Interior for two years as I was interested in themes for rooms etc...

Well, the chance to study more about this area came up and so I did it.

Must be the artist coming out in me when it comes to themes and design.

So I decided to stick to one room only for this website. And that is the ''BEDROOM''.

We spend a lot of time in the bedroom, it's where we relax, sleep and get away from it all.

A haven to escape right?

So, it's an interesting prospect to see what can be done with the bedroom. It doesn't matter if the bedroom is small or large. Whether you are on a budget or not.

There is a way of getting the dream bedroom you want.

But here's the catch!

Were do you start? You might not even have the slightest idea what sort of bedroom you want .

You could be living in the tropics or in the depths of a cold climate. What theme do you go with.

Different climates need different themes to either cool you down or make you feel snug.

And you might have passions on certain time periods and cultural themes that you want to bring in toy our bedroom but need some ideas.

So, as you can see there is more to the bedroom than you might have once thought.

You might just have a bedroom for now no design really but you are thinking that you want more. To change your bedroom into the place that you can really feel at one with.

Thats where this site comes, inspires you, helps you to decide what you really like and find furniture and all sorts of things that you think. I really like that and want that in my emerging dream bedroom.

So let get to it people and start thinking that you want to have a dream bedroom for yourself.

Let's jolt that imagination for you and start working out what you can really have in a bedroom. YOUR BEDROOM!